Indian Agate: Grounding stone. Gives us strength and courage. Promotes healing. Very good protection stone and meditation tool. Known as the "stone of eternity" because it helps to not be afraid of aging/old age. Wards off bad luck, reduces stress, and removes negativity.
White Alabaster: Helps balance all chakras. Helps with forgiveness and mental clarity. Helps to release anger and ease anxiety. Helps with insomnia, giving us vivid dreams. Great healing stone for all mental disorders. Protective stone, especially for babies.
Lapis Lazuli Chyrsocollo: Chyrsocollo: Communication stone. Inspires new beginnings. Discharges negative energies. Increases our capacity to love.
Lapis Lazuli: Encourages self awareness. Allows self expressions and reveals inner truth. Stimulates objectivity, clarity, and encourages creativity. It remains a symbol of royalty and honor.
Lapis Lazuli Guru Bead: See above.
Hand made Japa Mala Bead Necklace. Hand knotted with intention between each bead. Tied together with two knots, once to represent feminine side, and once to represent masculine side, coming together. The Guru Bead is slightly bigger then the rest of the beads and is used to create intention and to be a reminder of the motives for sitting in meditation. Hand made tassel - the string tied around it was wrapped 5 times to represent each of the 5 elements - earth, air, fire, water, and either. The tassel itself has been known to represent a lotus blossom and enlightmenment.
108 beads on each mala, 6mm beads. The number 108 is considered a sacred number in hinduism, buddhism, and yogic tradition. Malas are used for devotional meditation, and mantra recitation. Mantras are recited a total of 108 times, hence the need for 108 beads!
- Mala has been cleansed, charged and blessed with Reiki!
- Charge and cleanse your Mala in the sunlight for 1/2 hour every 2 weeks- once a month.
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